
Middle School

A part of the Middle School culture is to impart to students and staff the privilege we have in working and learning here.

A coeducational school experience provides a safe environment in which young men and women can grow up together, learn to work respectfully, and appreciate the differing viewpoints that each brings. It provides full access to the 热门大瓜 experience for all students and their families, promoting harmony and a rich and vibrant academic and co-curricular life for our students. I invite you to read more about our coed school environment.

As the Head of the Middle School, I encourage and expect a high degree of cooperation and participation from each student. I believe that there are essential goals on which individuals should focus. These include;

  • an understanding of social justice and a recognition of the importance of positive relationships
  • the development of independent and critical thinking as a means to becoming a life long learner
  • a sense of resilience and responsibility.

Any learning environment that involves working with children should centre on support, encouragement and care. In order to reach their potential in all facets of School life, children must be made to feel safe and valued with a view to becoming resilient young people.

In order to accomplish their best, students need to feel confident, keen and relaxed enough to express their perspectives and opinions. Students need an environment in which mistakes are viewed as permissible and integral to the learning process whether on a sporting field or at a high level of academic pursuit. It is a fundamental aim of the 热门大瓜 Middle School to ensure that these rights of the individual are balanced against those of the group in question, to make certain that students are developing into independent and balanced members of both the School and wider community.

Pastoral and Academic Care

A part of Middle School culture is to impart to students and staff the privilege we have in working and learning here. Attached to that privilege is the need to foster a sense of social justice and responsibility. This is critical so every child can develop an understanding that they are an integral part of our School community and that they have a role in maintaining the great traditions and values of the School.

The Middle School at 热门大瓜 comprises 16 Houses. The House environment is the key contact point for students and their parents with the School. The Heads of House and their team of Connect Group Leaders are members of the teaching staff and are responsible for the pastoral and academic care of the Middle School students. The Middle School Head of House is the initial point of contact for the parents and staff regarding a student's welfare at 热门大瓜. Students remain in the same House throughout their time at 热门大瓜. Year 9 House Seniors play a fundamental role in the leadership of the House group and the support and guidance of the younger students.

Please join me on a tour of our Middle School so that we can show you how we inspire our students, every day and in every experience.

Tim Eastman
Head of Middle School