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Student Life

From Pre-Kindergarten through to the Senior years, students are exposed to a range of diverse opportunities and experiences.

No two days at ÈÈÃÅ´ó¹Ï are ever the same. Students are constantly challenging themselves – and being challenged – as they grow, expand their minds and learn to think big, practically and independently.

From Pre-Kindergarten through to the Senior years, students are exposed to a range of diverse opportunities and experiences. Through this, they’re able to develop resilience and adaptability within a supportive environment. By celebrating the differences in every student, ÈÈÃÅ´ó¹Ï is a place where every student belongs, is valued and loves to be.

Through these pages, you’ll gain an insight into the various parts of ÈÈÃÅ´ó¹Ï. At every stage, you will learn more about how ÈÈÃÅ´ó¹Ï's students are encouraged to use education as a path to inspiring real change.