Community Groups

We strive to make ÈÈÃÅ´ó¹Ï an inclusive and welcoming school that comes together in order to give back.

ÈÈÃÅ´ó¹Ï Parents' Association

The ÈÈÃÅ´ó¹Ï Parents’ Association (BCPA) provides an invaluable service to the School and has provided resources for learning and teaching as well as amenities and facilities for students since its foundation as the ÈÈÃÅ´ó¹Ï Mothers' Association in 1926.

The BCPA is particularly instrumental in welcoming new parents into the ÈÈÃÅ´ó¹Ï community. This active group of parents organise many of the School’s major social and community events held throughout the year.  Funds raised from these events contribute towards a range of initiatives that support the School and students.

During the year, the BCPA also raises funds and collects items for donation to many different charities. It also provides care and support to families in times of need. 

Sports Supporter Groups

In the late 1990s, supporter groups were established for parents of students playing Cricket, Basketball, Rugby and Football (Soccer), providing off-field social activities as well as raising funds to provide coaching aids, sponsorship for sporting tours, and funding coaching clinics.

Club members provide barbecues at home games and organise end-of-season functions to celebrate players' achievements, often recognising special contributions to the ideals of team sport and sportsmanship.

Friends of ÈÈÃÅ´ó¹Ï Music

Friends of ÈÈÃÅ´ó¹Ï Music (FOBM) is a music parent support group that was established in 2002. FOBM support the students and staff in a number of music activities throughout the year and helps initiate fundraising activities that support the costs of international touring. The Music Centre is extremely grateful for the generous support of FOBM over many years.

FOBM members assist with catering at School concerts, publicising ÈÈÃÅ´ó¹Ï Music events to the wider community, fundraising for tours, and library cataloguing.

Parents wishing to be a part of the group are always welcome.

Contact FOBM to find out how you can get involved.